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Below are some resources from the project I've been working on to raise awareness on the effects of COVID-19 on the LGBTQ+ communities and how to support them through the pandemic & beyond. This project has been funded by The Churchill Fellowship

9. FINAL - PDF Guidance cover.png

downloadable guide             

website page 3 (1).png

downloadable presentation

9. FINAL - PDF Guidance .png
LGBTQ+ Friendly Poster 2 (1).png

downloadable poster 

downloadable poster 

Recording of Webinar  with closed captions - 29th June 2021
[captions are automatically generated]

Recording of Webinar  with closed captions - 6th July 2021
[captions are automatically generated]

Website page .png


Jacqui Jobson Consultancy,

Newcastle, UK


(+44) 7794117914

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created by Hannah Bingham Videography for Jacqui Jobson Consultancy

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